Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A note on Internet Access from motels

We have had wireless and/or wired Internet access at every motel we have used on this trip, even out in the middle of Nebraska or up in the Ozarks, and always free. There is no reason for the resort hotels to continue to charge for this service, which is so critical for travelers these days. We have been able to maintain contact with friends and families, keep tabs on what's happening back at the J.O.B., keep bills paid, check on travel conditions, offload digital photos, and research destination options.

Most of this was not available during the last road trip we did back in 1999. Some may question whether all this connectivity during a vacation is progress or not :-)

I think it's great!


1 comment:

nineofhearts said...

Marilyn and Tom... I heard it was a Really Really Bad haircut!